My visit to Butterfly Audiology

I am going to Butterfly Audiology to have my ears checked and play some listening games. Someone who checks people’s hearing is called an audiologist.


Arriving at Butterfly Audiology

When we arrive we will tell the person at the reception desk who we are.

Waiting for the Audiologist

The audiologist might be ready for us as soon as we arrive, or we might sit in the waiting room until the audiologist is ready.


When the audiologist takes us to their room, I can sit in a chair by myself or I can sit on my adult’s lap.

Audiologist checking my ears

The audiologist will start by asking some questions about me and my ears. Then they will use a type of torch called an otoscope to look in my ears.


Next, the audiologist will use a machine called a tympanometer to check how my ears are working.

A soft rubber plug sits in my ear and gently pushes some air in- some people say that it tickles a bit!

Tympanometer Reading

The tympanometer draws either a mountain or a line

Listening Games

Now it is time to play some listening games. Listening games help the audiologist find out how much I can hear. I might wear headphones, foam plugs called inserts, or a bone conductor which sits over my head like a headband

I might wear


I might wear

I might wear


I might wear

I might wear

Bone Conductor

I might wear

Every time I hear a beep or a whistle, I might

Put a coin in a moneybox

Every time I hear a beep or a whistle, I might

Every time I hear a beep or a whistle, I might

Press a button

Every time I hear a beep or a whistle, I might

Every time I hear a beep or a whistle, I might

Put a peg on a board

Every time I hear a beep or a whistle, I might

Every time I hear a beep or a whistle, I might

Clap my hands

Every time I hear a beep or a whistle, I might

Hearing the audiologist

Next, I might point at things that I hear the audiologist say, or I might use my voice to say the words that I hear. If I’m not sure what some of the words are, I can have a guess.

Consultation complete

When I have finished, the audiologist will talk to me and my adult about my ears again, and I might want to ask some questions. Once we are finished, the audiologist might ask me if I would like a sticker!


Leaving Butterfly Audiology

Before we leave we will go to the counter to pay, and maybe arrange for me to come back and play some more listening games another day.

Arriving at Butterfly Audiology

When we arrive we will tell the person at the reception desk who we are.

Waiting for the Audiologist

The audiologist might be ready for us as soon as we arrive, or we might sit in the waiting room until the audiologist is ready.


When the audiologist takes us to their room, I can sit in a chair by myself or I can sit on my adult’s lap.

Audiologist checking my ears

The audiologist will start by asking some questions about me and my ears. Then they will use a type of torch called an otoscope to look in my ears.


Next, the audiologist will use a machine called a tympanometer to check how my ears are working.

A soft rubber plug sits in my ear and gently pushes some air in- some people say that it tickles a bit!

Tympanometer Reading

The tympanometer draws either a mountain or a line

Listening Games

Now it is time to play some listening games. Listening games help the audiologist find out how much I can hear. I might wear headphones, foam plugs called inserts, or a bone conductor which sits over my head like a headband

I might wear


I might wear


I might wear

Bone Conductor

Every time I hear a beep or a whistle, I might

Put a coin in a moneybox

Every time I hear a beep or a whistle, I might

Press a button

Every time I hear a beep or a whistle, I might

Put a peg on a board

Every time I hear a beep or a whistle, I might

Clap my hands

Hearing the audiologist

Next, I might point at things that I hear the audiologist say, or I might use my voice to say the words that I hear. If I’m not sure what some of the words are, I can have a guess.

Consultation complete

When I have finished, the audiologist will talk to me and my adult about my ears again, and I might want to ask some questions. Once we are finished, the audiologist might ask me if I would like a sticker!


Leaving Butterfly Audiology

Before we leave we will go to the counter to pay, and maybe arrange for me to come back and play some more listening games another day.